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Providence Foundation Outward Bound Training Awards, The

On the Donor

In 2014, the Providence Foundation (悟宿基) has made available grants to sponsor students for attendance at Leadership and Teambuilding Programme at the Hong Kong Outward Bound School.

Purpose and Scope

A tailor-made 5-day outward bound leadership training programme is available for students who are interested in adventure-based experiential learning.

The Awards shall be granted to full-time undergraduate students studying in any discipline. Preference shall be given to students pursuing studies in the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Each awardee has to complete the registration procedures and pay HK$875 (including programme cost and insurance). The remaining cost of HK$5,000 will be sponsored by The Providence Foundation and Outward Bound School.

Each awardee will be required to submit group and individual post-activity reports to the Foundation after the training.


Value of Award Please see "Purpose and Scope"
Renewal Conditions --
Type of Scholarships Enrichment Scholarships for Current Students
Place of Origin of Students Not specified
Level of Study Undergraduate
Faculty Not specified, Business and Economics


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