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Rosita King Ho Scholarship

On the Donor

The "Rosita King Ho Scholarship Fund" was established in 2004 by a generous donation from the Rosita King Ho International Charitable Foundation (何金梅英國際慈善基金). The Charitable Foundation was set up in 1999 by the late Mr Ho Kwan King (何關根) in memory of his late wife Mrs Rosita King Ho (1929-1999) to support higher education worldwide.

The Rosita King Ho International Charitable Foundation regarded the gift as an investment in the students. By providing students with global vision and social responsibility, the Foundation believes that they have greater potential to become committed and outstanding leaders of the community.

The image file about Rosita King Ho Scholarship<br />何金梅英獎學金

Purpose and Scope

The Scholarship Fund shall support the University’s strategic aims of diversifying the undergraduate population, and to provide local students with the best education and ample experience in other cultures.

The Scholarship shall be used for but not limited to the followings:
i) Entrance scholarship for first-year non-local undergraduate students based
on academic achievement at prevailing public examinations for admission to the University; or

The Scholarship shall be used for but not limited to the followings:

  1. Entrance scholarship for first-year non-local undergraduate students based on academic achievement at prevailing public examinations for admission to the University; or
  2. Enrichment scholarship for undergraduate students based on academic merit under the HKU Worldwide Student Exchange Programme for Undergraduate Students, or other programmes of a similar nature.

The value and tenure of awards shall be:

  • For entrance scholarship, partially or fully covering tuition fees and living expenses, and renewable each year until the completion of studies within the normative study period subject to a satisfactory academic performance being maintained
  • For enrichment scholarship, one-off awards up to HK$50,000 each. 

Concurrent holding of other scholarships:

  • For entrance scholarship, the Scholarship may be held concurrently with other scholarships provided that the total value of scholarship held does not exceed the maximum amount stipulated by the Senate each year.
  • For enrichment scholarship, the Scholarship may not be held concurrently with other enrichment scholarships for the same activity.


Value of Award Entrance scholarship: to be determined, Enrichment scholarship: up to HK$50,000 each
Renewal Conditions Satisfactory academic progress (for entrance scholarship only)
Type of Scholarships Entrance Scholarships for New Students, Enrichment Scholarships for Current Students
Place of Origin of Students Not specified
Level of Study Undergraduate
Faculty Not specified

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