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Ken K.W. Leung Memorial Scholarship

On the Donor

In 2010, graduates and friends of the Department of Data and Systems Engineering (DASE) donated a sum to establish a Scholarship in memory of Mr Ken K.W. Leung 梁錦榮, an alumnus from the Class of 1977. Mr Leung and his two daughters, Doris and Jessie, were among the victims of the tragic incident in Manila in August 2010 during their travels to the Philippines.

Mr Leung was born on April 9, 1952 in Hong Kong and received his education at Ng Wah Catholic Secondary School and The University of Hong Kong. At the time of his passing, he was Managing Director of Stadium Asia, a UK-based electronic manufacturing services company. He had worked both as industrial engineer and professional manager in Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada and on the Chinese Mainland, and had attained a leadership role in the field of his specialty. He was an ardent supporter of industrial engineering education and training at HKU and City University of Hong Kong.

Purpose and Scope

Up to two scholarships shall be awarded annually to the Year 1 students enrolled in an undergraduate programme offered by the Department, on the basis of outstanding results from the public examinations for admission to the University.

Value of Award HK$20,000 each
Renewal Conditions --
Type of Scholarships Entrance Scholarships for New Students
Place of Origin of Students Not specified
Level of Study Undergraduate
Faculty Engineering


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