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Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation Scholarship

On the Donor

The Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation (蔣震工業慈善基金) was established in 1990 by Dr. Chiang Chen, founder and chairman of the Chen Hsong Holdings Limited. Dr. Chiang came to Hong Kong from his hometown in Shandong Province, China in 1949. Because of his hard work and devotion to the manufacturing industry, he is recognized as prominent leader in the industry and a much admired and respected role model for industrialists in China. Today, the Chen Hsong Group is one of the leading manufacturers of plastic injection moulding machines in the world and operates diversified business globally.

Dr Chen strongly believes in "Enriching the Livelihood of People by Industry, Strengthening the Country through a Prosperous Society". He therefore donated all his shares of the Chen Hsong Group to establish the Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation.

In 1980, Chen Hsong Machinery Company Ltd. established an annual scholarship, of the 
value of HK$5,000, to be awarded to students in the Departments of Electrical and Electronic, 
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems and Mechanical Engineering

In 1980, Chen Hsong Machinery Company Ltd. established an annual scholarship to be awarded to students in the Departments of Electrical and Electronic, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems and Mechanical Engineering. In 2008, the scholarship was renamed from Chen Hsong Industrial Scholarships to Chiang Chen Industrial Charity Foundation Scholarship.

Purpose and Scope

Two scholarships shall be awarded to local students in the third year of study in the B.Eng 
curriculum in the following departments: 
• Department of Mechanical Engineering 
• Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering 
• Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 

Two scholarships shall be awarded to local students in the third year of study in the B.Eng curriculum in the following departments: 

  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
  • Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 

Selection criteria:

  • Academic merit (a minimum GPA of 3.50 or above) in the 2nd year of study
  • Participation in extra-curricular activities
  • Leadership qualities

The Scholarship may not be held concurrently with any another scholarships, except enrichment scholarships . 

  • Applications are usually accepted in Semester One of each academic year.
  • Applications for the 2024-25 Scholarship will open in late August 2024 and close in late September 2024. Results are expected to be available around June/July 2025.
Value of Award HK$22,500
Renewal Conditions --
Type of Scholarships Merit-based Scholarships for Current Students
Place of Origin of Students Not specified
Level of Study Undergraduate
Faculty Engineering


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