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Philip K H Wong Foundation Scholarships for Student Enrichment

On the Donor

Dr Philip K H Wong, an alumnus and the former Chairman of The University of Hong Kong Foundation(香港大學基金) and a dedicated philanthropist, generously set up a scholarship endowment in 2004 to support scholarship schemes that are in line with the University's strategic directions.

The primary objective of the Philip K H Wong Foundation Scholarships for Student Enrichment is to enhance student's learning experiences at undergraduate through enrichment activities such as academic exchange, internships, experimental or service learning activities, overseas training, and academic conferences.

The image file about Philip K H Wong Foundation Scholarships for Student Enrichment

Purpose and Scope

Philip K H Wong Foundation Scholarships for Student Enrichment shall be awarded on the basis of academic merit. Financial needs may also be taken into consideration.  

Value of Award HK$10,000 - HK$50,000
Renewal Conditions
Type of Scholarships Enrichment Scholarships for Current Students
*for students who are in financial need
Place of Origin of Students Not specified
Level of Study Undergraduate
Faculty Not specified


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