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HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund - Endeavour Merit Award
香港特別行政區政府獎學基金 - 展毅表現獎

On the Donor

With a view to attracting outstanding local students to advance their studies at home, and meritorious non-local students to pursue higher education opportunities in Hong Kong, the Government established in 2008 the HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund (the Fund) to recognize outstanding local and non-local students.

Purpose and Scope

The Endeavour Merit Award (EMA), which is granted on a competitive basis, is set up to give recognition to students with special educational needs (SEN) in the pursuit of excellence in academic and other areas.

The scheme is open to students with SEN who are currently pursuing full-time publicly/UGC-funded undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Awardees will be selected on the basis of academic merit (Note: The minimum CGPA requirement is 2.5.  For research postgraduate students, recent supervision progress monitoring reports are required).

Notes to Applicants:

  • Examples of SEN include: specific learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder, physical disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment, and speech and language impairment, etc.
  • The EMA cannot be held concurrently with other awards under the HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund, except TDS and ROA in the same academic year.
  • Applicants must provide proof of SEN in their applications.
  • A student may be awarded the EMA more than once throughout his/her studies, and each application shall be considered based on individual merit and against other applications received in that year. 


Application Timeline

Applications are usually accepted in November/December of each academic year. Please click here for application details. Results are expected to be announced in May 2025.

Value of Award A one-off grant of HK$15,000
Renewal Conditions --
Type of Scholarships Merit-based Scholarships for Current Students
Place of Origin of Students Not specified
Level of Study Undergraduate, Postgraduate
Faculty Not specified

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