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HKU Foundation Postgraduate Fellowships

On the Donor

The University of Hong Kong Foundation for Educational Development and Research ("HKU Foundation") was launched in 1995 as a charitable organisation with the primary aim to support the University's advancement. The HKU Foundation comprises individual and corporate benefactors who share the mission of the University.

Donations earmarked contribute to funding of academic research, scholarships, development projects, and benefit the local as well as global communities.

Purpose and Scope

The primary objective of the HKU Foundation Postgraduate Fellowships is to attract and groom high-calibre students to pursue research postgraduate studies and to raise its research capabilities.

The HKU Foundation Postgraduate Fellowships shall be used as entrance scholarships for first-year research postgraduate students vased on academic strengths under the University Postgraduate Fellowships Scheme.

The fellowships will be awarded based on academic merit.

Value of Award 70000
Renewal Conditions
Type of Scholarships Entrance Scholarships for New Students
Place of Origin of Students Not specified
Level of Study Postgraduate
Faculty Not specified

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