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Bau Tsu Zung Bau Kwan Yeu Hing Research and Clinical Fellowship

On the Donor

In 2014, the Bau Family generously pledged a sum from the estate of the late Mr Bau Man-Kwong Maurice for the establishment of a scholarships fund in honour of their parents, Dr Bau Tsu-Zung and Mrs Bau Kwan Yeu-Hing.

The late Dr Bau Tsu Zung was an alumnus of HKU, having graduated from the Medical Faculty in 1927 and received a Doctor of Medicine in 1932, thus starting the family's connection to the University. The Scholarships will benefit deserving undergraduate and postgraduate medical students in the pursuit of excellence in their studies.

Read the giving story:

The image file about Bau Tsu Zung Bau Kwan Yeu Hing Research and Clinical Fellowship

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of the Fellowship is to enable selected research postgraduate students and/or staff members of Faculty of Medicine to engage in research activities or academic/clinical training overseas to develop research/academic expertise or enrich their knowledge in clinical practice.

The Fellowship shall be awarded annually to PhD candidates, non-clinical staff at the grades of Research Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, clinical staff at the grades of Assistant Professor/Associate Professor on the basis of the following:

  1. quality of the candidates, including their academic background, track record in research and/or clinical experience;
  2. quality of the research/training proposal;
  3. support of the Head of Department/School Director; and
  4. strength of the mentor's/supervisor's/collaborator's from the overseas institution.

The Fellowship shall be tenable at approved overseas institutions normally for a period between 6 months to a maximum of 2 years.

Value of Award To cover round-trip airfare at cheapest economy class, accommodation and other expenses relevant to the training
Renewal Conditions --
Type of Scholarships Enrichment Scholarships for Current Students
Place of Origin of Students Not specified
Level of Study Postgraduate
Faculty Medicine


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