The K.P. Stephen Chang Memorial Fund was established in 1971 with donations from the friends of the late Dr K P Stephen Chang, Senior Lecturer in Medicine from 1949 to 1958.
The purpose of the Fund is to maintain the excellence of the teaching of Medicine in Hong Kong and to render financial assistance to both undergraduate and postgraduate medical students during their periods of training.
The travel grant shall be awarded in any year in which funds are available after the Visiting Professorship and the Loan Fund have been provided for. It shall be awarded to a medical graduate of the University who is working in the field of Medicine to assist him/her to undertake a further period of training in another university or institution, or to an undergraduate medical student of the University to enable him/her to undertake an approved elective attachment at an overseas institution.
The travel grant is intended to provide financial assistance:
(a) to a medical graduate to help meet the cost of one economy class return air passage and to provide a small amount for miscellaneous expenses, up to a maximum as determined b the Awarding Committee from time to time in the light of advice the Finance Officer;
(b) to a medical undergraduate to help meet the cost of one return air passage at the cheapest rate.
Value of Award | Please see "Purpose and Scope |
Renewal Conditions | -- |
Type of Scholarships | Merit-based Scholarships for Current Students |
Place of Origin of Students | Not specified |
Level of Study | Undergraduate, Postgraduate |
Faculty | Medicine |