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Ninestar Scholarship

On the Donor

In November 2022, with the support from Ninestar Management Co., Ltd (珠海納思達企業管理有限公司), the Chinese Red Cross Foundation (中國紅十字基金會) pledged a donation to establish the Ninestar Angel Heart Scheme (納思達天使愛心計劃) to support outstanding students from Chinese Mainland to pursue undergraduate studies at The University of Hong Kong through scholarships.

Purpose and Scope

The Scholarship shall be awarded to Year 1 full-time undergraduate students from Chinese Mainland who study any programme at the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Business and Economics, Faculty of Arts and *Faculty of Social Sciences (*for students reading the Bachelor of Journalism only), on the basis of academic merit in the prevailing public examination for university admission including but not limited to National Joint College Entrance Examination (NJCEE).

Up to 52 awards shall be made in academic year 2024-25. The number of awards for subsequent academic year(s) shall be subject to the donation fund available.

Value of Award The value of the Scholarship shall each cover the tuition fee for non-local undergraduate student of the award year.
Renewal Conditions --
Type of Scholarships Entrance Scholarships for New Students
Place of Origin of Students Chinese Mainland
Level of Study Undergraduate
Faculty Arts, Business and Economics, Engineering, Science, Social Sciences


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